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AVI to Flash Converter 02-jun10
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AVI to Flash Converter 2658084099_ebb4fd7030_o
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AVI to Flash Converter 02-jun10
AVI to Flash Converter Small-10
AVI to Flash Converter 2658084099_ebb4fd7030_o
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 AVI to Flash Converter

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AVI to Flash Converter Empty
PostSubyek: AVI to Flash Converter   AVI to Flash Converter Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 5:00 am

For the playbacks from one platform like digital camera, digital video recorder, compuer and mobile phone to another one, let’s say internet, some programs are needed to convert common video formats like AVI to flash, which can be added to your own website/blog/forum.

The AVI to flash conversion contains two procedures:

I. Use Moyea Video4Web Converter, which is exactly built for all kinds of video to flash video conversions, to convert AVI to flash video formats like FLV, H.264 coded MP4, MOV, 3GP/3G2 and Youtube Resolution.MP4. Just for your reference, this converter is also capable of converting video formats like WMV, ASF, WMA, RMVB, RM, etc to audio in variety of formats like AAC, M4A and MP3.

II. When the AVI to flash video(FLV) conversion is done, use another associated program called Moyea Web Player, an easy-to-use player creator to create and customize a flash video player to play the generated flash videos over internet.

The brief tutorial below shows how to realize AVI to flash conversion with Moyea Video4Web Converter plus Moyea Web Player:
Step 1: Launch Moyea Video4Web Converter and input AVI file(s).

Step 2: Choose AVI to flash video format FLV from “Style” pop-up menu.

Step 3: Click “Convert” to start the conversion process.

Step 4: Open Moyea Web Player, input the generated flash video(FLV) file(s).

Step 5: Click “Template” to customize the flash video player.

Step 6. Click “Publish” button on “Publish” interface, upload all the published files except the index.html file, to the same folder of your web server, and then embed the generated player code into webpage.

Now, enjoy the flash on webpage and share with your friends, families and customers.

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